


I love exploring ways to organize and think about the world. I have a passion for problem solving and exploring both old and new ways in order to find solutions. Using tools such as Figma, Adobe Xd, and Framer I've been able to explore the design UX design process while utilizing my professional, clinical, and coaching experiences. I am eager to continue learning new tools and exploring the design process!


I have 15 + years of clinical experience as a Interventional Respiratory Medicine Technician. During my time in Respiratory Medicine I was responsible for learning and troubleshooting all type of tech and workflows in critical situations. Working in critical environments such as the Critical Care unit and the Emergency Room I relied on my critical thinking, resourcefulness, and teamwork.


I've had the pleasure of coaching and leading approximately 20 high school and club basketball teams over the years helped many young people grow athletically and academically. Fostering team chemistry and mentoring young people is an ever evolving skill. The wins and losses are important, but the journey and the people are what matter.


I love traveling around the world and seeing all the amazing differences we have on this planet and learning from them all. I know I have been very fortunate to travel to the places I have been, and I hope to continue to explore and find out what I don't know.


I have a passion for jazz, vinyl, and dance music. My Project Kojak series on Soundcloud is an entertaining journey into house music that I have personally selected and mixed with the goal of exposing people to new music and creating a positive space to get lost in music.


I enjoy finding and exploring unexpected beauty and patterns everywhere I go and in everything I do. Sometimes the we find amazing things in the most unexpected places.

© Paul Williams - 2022